Publications of Dr. Martin Rothenberg:

The Voice Source in Singing

by professor Martin Rothenberg, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York


BAER, T. (1981): "Observations of vocal fold vibration: measurement of excised larynges", Vocal Fold Physiology, (K.N. Stevens & M. Hirano, eds.) University of Tokyo Press, 181-189.

FANT, G. (1960): Acoustic Theory of Speech Production. s-Gravenhage: Mouton.

FLANAGAN, J.L. (1972): Analysis Synthesis and Perception of Speech. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, second edition.

FLANAGAN, J.L. & ISHIZAKA, K. (1978): "Computer model to characterize the air volume displaced by the vibrating vocal cords", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 63, 1559-1565.

HIRANO, M., KAKITA, Y., KAWASAKI, H., GOULD, W.J., and LAMBIASE, A. (1981): "Data on high speed motion picture studies", Vocal Fold Physiology, (K.N. Stevens and M. Hirano, eds.) University of Tokyo Press, 85-91.

HOLMES, J.N. (1963): "An investigation of the volume velocity waveform at the larynx during speech by means of an inverse filter", Proc. Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm, 1962, Vol. 1, paper B-4 (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm ).

KITZING, P. (1911): "Methode zur kombinierten photo-und elektroglottographischen Registrierung von Stimmlippenschwingungen", Folia phoniat. 29, 249-260.

KITZING, P. & LÖFQVIST, A. (1975): "Subglottal and oral air pressures during phonation -preliminary investigation using a miniature transducer system," Medical and Biological Engineering, Sept. 1975b, 644-648.

KOIKE, Y. (1981): "Sub- and supraglottal pressure variation during phonation", Vocal Fold Physiology, (K.N. Stevens & M. Hirano, eds.) University of Tokyo Press, 181-189.

LINDQVIST, J. (1965): "Studies of the voice source by means of inverse filtering technique", Congr. Rep. 5th Int. Congr. Acoust., Liege, Vol. 1, paper A35.

MILLER, R.L. (1959): "Nature of the vocal cord wave", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 31, 667-679.

ROTHENBERG, M. (1973): "A new inverse-filtering technique for deriving the glottal airflow waveform during voicing", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 21, 1632-1645.

ROTHENBERG, M. (1977): "Measurement of air flow in speech", J. Speech Hear. Res. 20, 155-176.

ROTHENBERG, M. (1981): "Acoustic interaction between the glottal source and the vocal tract", Vocal Fold Physiology, (K.N. Stevens & M. Hirano, eds.) University of Tokyo Press, 305-323.

ROTHENBERG, M. & ZAHORIAN, S. (1977): "A nonlinear inverse filtering technique for estimating the glottal area waveform", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 61, 1063- 1071.

SUNDBERG, J. (1974): "Articulatory interpretation of the singing formant'", J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 55, 838-844.

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